How to store a group of RTS products on the V®350 or V®350 Connect?

For grouped control, you can add products similar to those already paired on the same channel (a second roller shutter, for example).

To do so, press the yellow button on the side of the monitor, then select "Register a group of RTS products".

Select the channel on which you'd like to add an RTS device and confirm.

  • Press the PROG button for 3 seconds on an RTS transmitter already paired with the product to be added.
  • Press the touch-screen key corresponding to the arrow to pair the monitor with the product and proceed to the next step.
  • Press the touch-screen corresponding to the arrow  to go back.
  • Press the touch-screen buttons corresponding to the   commands, then check the response of the paired product.

If the device responds correctly, press the touch-screen confirmation key .

If the device does not respond, press the touch-screen non-confirmation key  to repeat the previous steps.

If you pressed , the home screen appears, and the group to which the product has been added shows the number of paired products.