What should I do if I get the error message, "No Link Essential detected"?

You are stuck and the Link Essential installation is incomplete because you are getting the message "No Link Essential detected."
Make sure the Link is plugged directly into a wall outlet and light up. If it doesn't light up, make sure the plug is properly inserted in the Link Essential port. You should hear a "click" when it is plugged in.
Make sure you have installed the Link Essential within range of your box/router.
Also check that the Link is positioned correctly. It needs to be upright, not lying on its side.   
Make sure the diode is blue.
If at least one LED lights up, you'll need to reboot the Link :

  • Simultaneously, for 4 seconds, press the reset button (where the batteries are located) and the button located above your Link Essential

After following these instructions, try again.